Tuesday, May 29, 2007

The Plan

So here's the plan. Sara Nelson of PW writes the foreword to PW - her weekly column on what's new in the publishing industry - and at the end of the column she always asks, "Agree? Disagree? Tell us at www.publishersweekly.com/saranelson." I wonder if she usually gets any response? I bet since they gave her the newer, kinder, gentler, more accessible (read - PR agent told her to change her look) picture in her column they got some response.

Well, Ms. Nelson, I will be responding. I'll be answering your columns each week - picking up your gauntlet and drawing my pen in response - as soon as my new PWs start rolling in, that is. I sent in the check two days ago. I know, I know. Having the first issue arrive this week would be a little too much to ask for. But hey, you never know. I will officially notify you about my blog as soon as I have my first issue in hand. Just as an aside - and for the record, I liked the older, arms crossed, business suit look you had during your first year at PW. It smacked of cigarette smoke, broken fingernails, and ink on the palms. Call me a romantic.

For all the rest of you out there, feel free to comment on my comments, dialogue on my dialogue. And if you want Sara Nelson's old picture back, let her know. Then perhaps I won't be the only one.

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